
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Short Week/Fun Week!

Catch of the Week:
Social Studies-Road to the Revolution, investigate causes of the Am. Rev. and do a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activity Tuesday on designing an airtight tea bag crate. Which team can help the king prevent his tea from getting wet when those rambunctious patriots throw the crates of tea overboard in the Boston Harbor?
Reading- Continue reading articles on the 3 R's and focus on comprehension by looking for answers to who, what, when, where, why and how!
Language- One day to review the 5 rules for commas with a test Tuesday.
Math- take a peek into fractions while some students go to the EMERGENCY First-Aid Clinic for Long Division!
Science- Begin Light investigations (ROY G. BIV) and  Monday compete in a group STEM activity on who can build the sturdiest Thanksgiving Table (no hammer and nails allowed).
Surf's Up
Monday: Vocab TEST "Tread Lightly List #3"
Study your TIPS chart and your flashcards! Don't let your lack of study time pull your Reading grade down, down, down!
reduce, pollution, disintegrate, reuse, landfill, environment, waste, hazardous, emissions (know definitions and how to use them correctly in sentences)

Tuesday: Commas TEST
 Cooper says, "Don't let Mrs. Gault's class beat you in 100 BC!!!" Read 4 lines each day over Thanksgiving Break for a total of 20 lines.  You can do it.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
Safe mom and dad are taking me Christmas Shopping in Chicago on the Magnificent Mile.  I know what you're thinking, and don't worry, dad's got my poop bags.
Annual Polar Express Pancake Breakfast!
On Saturday, Dec. 6th, OES's PTA is hosting a pancake breakfast at Applebee's in Boiling Springs from 7:30-10:00 am.  Tickets are on sale through November 25th.  Come experience being waited on by the worst waitress in SC...Mrs. Johnson!  If you survive it, you can take home a coupon for being able to "eat with a friend" back at school that next Monday.
Shining Stars in Long Division with a 4 Digit Dividend:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Early Thanksgiving Feast!

On Wednesday, November 19th many of our Oakland families came together to celebrate the upcoming holiday. Seeing everyone together made me realize how grateful I am for a wonderful class and such helpful and supportive parents.  I wish all of you 
a safe and fun-filled holiday!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Doughnuts, Dominoes, and Those Dumb Taxes!


Even though it looks like we are playing, don't be fooled! The assignment was to build a structure that has a drop, a loop, has continuous movement and all with non-verbal communication. The tough part comes when things don't go as planned and you have to re-build, re-design, while still keeping a positive attitude as the clock keeps ticking. Here are a few pics of some of the groups.

The Road to the Revolution started here with these actors.  The King was played by Nazarii, tax collectors played by Kara and Ruvim, disgruntled colonists played by Mrs. Johnson's class. 
Scene 1, Take 1: The king declares that the colonists will pay taxes on whatever he deems necessary, even if they are thousands of miles away in the new land.  They still must follow his rule! (The colonists were given 10 Skittles to stand for $$.) 
Anyone wearing glasses will be taxed...sneakers...bows in hair, underwear! No, that's the last straw!! The colonists scream, "These taxes are unfair!"
We are getting ready to celebrate!  Our class earned the most red tickets in the 4th grade for the first marking period.  Which means our behavior in the hallways, in the cafeteria, in the library, and special activities is exemplary.  We had a whole list of  prizes to pick from but "bring a stuffed animal to school" won the most votes!  We will celebrate on Friday, November 21st. Wear you pajamas and bring your favorite stuffed animal!

         Surf’s Up! (Tests & Projects)

Surf's Up!
(Projects & Tests)
Tuesday: Social Studies...Slavery/Indentured Servants, Triangular Trade, How Slaves were Treated and How Slaves Affected the Colonists TEST
Thursday: Reading...Non-Fiction Text Features TEST
Friday: Math...Long Division (1 digit divisor and 4 digit dividend)
Science: Distinct Environments TEST

         Surf’s Up! (Tests & Projects)




Sunday, November 9, 2014

Patriot or Loyalists?

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 our bus stopped at the edge of a clearing; we filed out excitedly.  Mrs. Johnson showed us the way down a tree-lined trail to what looked like a phone booth.  There was a dial inside where the phone would have been and she turned it until it read 1775.  She let her teacher assistant, Olivia, press the worn, red button next to the dial and before we could count to 10 we were transported to Colonel Bratton's plantation!  Check out what happened next:

Boys and girls help us finish the story about our travels by adding to it.  Remember to include your name so you can receive extra credit.  Parents, I was told that if you are having trouble commenting on our blog it might be that you don't have a gmail account.  If that's the case, just have your child respond on a piece of paper and bring to class before Friday to take advantage of the extra credit.
Catch of the Week
Social Studies– Road to the Revolution...we will be investigating the causes
Reading– Read articles on the 3 R’s (recycle, reduce, reuse) and begin taking notes
Language– Take a side on the logging issue and write an argument...planning sheet will come home Monday for homework.
Math–Begin practicing long division with remainders...there will be homework every night that needs to be signed by a parent after the work is checked!
Science– Research the 5 distinct environments; rainforests, deserts, swamps, polar regions (tundra), rivers & streams


Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Sugary Career Day, October 31st!

What do a Navy Seal, a hospital administrator, co-owners of a bakery, and two school counselors have in common?
Give up? (page down for the answer)


An education!!

As we watched this helicopter take off at the end of our Career Day we all agreed that training is everything.  Reading Navy how-to- manuals, measuring and buying ingredients for cupcakes, finding the best doctors for a hospital or helping students....reading, math, and science are critical to every career!

Catch of the Week
                                                           for November 3-7
 (Remember to check PowerSchool at least once a week for up-to-date test results.  With all the excitement of our dress-up days and extra activities at OES, some of us have gotten distracted from our main academic goals. Remember to practice multiplication facts everyday, encourage a quiet place to study, and  insist on early bedtimes.)  
 Social StudiesUnderstand Triangular Trade and the differences between slaves and indentured servants
ReadingContinue reading and gathering facts from both sides of the argument environmentalists and loggers.  Begin to form an opinion on the issue. 
Language– Take a side on the issue and write an argument.
Math–Practice simple division before starting long division the following week
Science– Research the 5 distinct environments; rainforests, deserts, swamps, polar regions (tundra), rivers & streams the air, water, trees
Surf's Up!  Tests and Projects...
Wed-Language: Conjunction Test (look for 1/2 sheet practice)
Friday: Reading- (in-class) Design an infographic showing points on both sides of the Pacific Northwest’s controversy on whether to log the oldest forests.
              Math - Simple Division Test
              Reading– vocab test (sustainability, biodegradable, non-   toxic, toxic, efficient, fossil, photosynthesis, recyclable, renewable, resources)