We all want to get to know each other...and that will happen real soon! When I meet you on Wednesday, I'll give you a packet of information, a surprise bag : ) and your first homework assignment. I've gotten a head start on mine. Check out my boat above. You'll get the outline of your sailboat and you will think of all the people, places, hobbies, activities, and things that "keep you sailing." It isn't due until the second day of school, but you might want to get a head start on it.
One of the important family members on my sailboat is Cooper. Here's his picture. Can you see why he keeps me smiling everyday? When he greets you at the door he has to have at least one toy in his mouth first. He has two sisters that he likes to boss around...I'll show you pictures of them soon.
This is my husband, Ray, in his new sunglasses. My sailboat would definitely not stay afloat without him! We love coffee at our house and he is the expert coffee maker and does about a million other things to keep everyone happy.
.And, last but not least, here's a picture of me building a sandcastle just for YOU! I can't wait to meet you in person and hear all about you and what keeps your boat sailing.
Mrs. Johnson
LOVE THIS! Connor said that everyone had a great first day, and he was certainly impressed with your rubber band ball!