
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Brownie and Spike's Adventures

Let me introduce myself.  I'm Spike and everyone in Mrs. Johnson's class is convinced I'm shy, elusive, and quite the scaredy-cat. But, something exciting happened on December 19th.  Keira, our caretaker, took us home to her Papa's house. 
Meet Brownie, everyone's favorite.  Once we both got there Papa took us out of our terrarium and let us investigate our new playroom.  We had so much fun.  Papa forgot about us and we found lots of hiding places.  Mrs. Johnson doesn't know this but we almost got lost twice!  We were so thirsty after our adventures we both climbed up on our sponge and drank and drank and drank.

This is "Papa," but everyone calls him Mr. Craycraft.  Here he is reading his journal to the class. He wrote in it everyday telling how we spent our Christmas vacation. Thanks, Keira and of course, Mr. Craycraft!
And, now for our week's activities:
Check out "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
and another
"O Captain, My Captain" by Walt Whitman
Thursday and Friday we will be presenting our original BLACKOUT POEMS!  Practice reading them at home to your family.  You'll be evaluated on how well you can read it loud, clear, and dramatic!!
We will also work on writing a SELFIE Poem.  You will take a selfie and then write about yourself using the diamante format.  Can't wait.  Cooper might want to work on one too.
You can review for next week's Science test on electricity by watching this video:


  1. Way to go, Keira and Mr. Craycraft, for giving Brownie and Spike a 5 star vacation!!

  2. Brownie,
    We are so glad you are safe and sound and found your way! We would have been devastated without you!

