Last week was the first time we studied Greek & Latin root words. We memorized lots of number roots and saw how that root was present in many words we already knew.
When we get back from our SNOW days we will be introduced to our NEW Greek & Latin Roots. If you want to get a head start you could start making 11 flashcards. Include the roots "aqua" and "hydra" with the definition "water" too.
aquarelle-watercolor painting
aqueduct-a pipe or channel for moving water to a lower level, often across a great distance
aquamarine-turquoise color
aquatic-in or of the water
Aquarius-constellation pictured as a man carrying two buckets of water and a zodiac sign
hydrophobia-fear of the water or rabies
hydraulic-powered by water
hydrant-a water source in the street
hydroponic-growing plants in water
In case you are wondering, all our tests for this week will be pushed ahead to next week! So, have fun with your families in the snow, ice or puddles! See you Thursday, maybe...
aqueduct-a pipe or channel for moving water to a lower level, often across a great distance
aquamarine-turquoise color
aquatic-in or of the water
Aquarius-constellation pictured as a man carrying two buckets of water and a zodiac sign
hydrophobia-fear of the water or rabies
hydraulic-powered by water
hydrant-a water source in the street
hydroponic-growing plants in water
In case you are wondering, all our tests for this week will be pushed ahead to next week! So, have fun with your families in the snow, ice or puddles! See you Thursday, maybe...