Here's your STEM store! You have a total of $15 to spend.
This is what happened:
Connor's group made their boat out of cardboard but when they put it in the water it didn't float.
Pierce's group used a plastic bottle with yarn but they couldn't get the magnet to power it.
Olivia's group used a plastic bottle also with a magnet taped to the bottle cap and the end of the tub of water, but the magnet didn't always power it.
Sarah Reilly's group used a powerful magnet inside the plastic bottle and a magnet at the end of the tub of water and it seemed to fly toward the other magnet.
Surf's Up...Check out this week's Tests and Projects:
Mon/Tu - turn in Science Fair Project (extra credit in 3 subjects)
Mon/Tu- Sci.- Magnetism Brochure due
Thursday-Reading / poetry reading at the Beatnik Poetry Café 1:00-2:00 OES Media Center...practice...practice...practice!
Friday/ Poetry Notebook Completed! (follow rubric closely)
Very interesting ideas for floating the boat! Saw some clips from the Beatnik Café and I am super impressed! Way to go, students!!!