
Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Many Joys of Teaching!

Erika being a little camera shy!
 Love these Kids!
Good buddies just hanging out.

Some of the boys taking in the character parade.

Olivia, S.R., Kara, and Chloe moments before the parade started.                 S.R. and her mom.

Keira, Hannah, and Emily showing off their Book picks.

Cowboy Connor posing with a couple more of our "characters".

Thanks, class, for getting the most donations on the last weekend.
Dr, Patterson didn't see this one coming!

Catch of the Week:

Social Studies–Review Bill of Rights and  being a good citizen.

Reading-focus on math vocabulary for MAP testing and continue cold passages

Language– finding main idea and being able to write concluding statements

Math–geometry and measurement equivalencies

Science– earth’s rotation and how that affects shadows ...retest moon phases if necessary
Surf's Up!
(Tests & Projects)
Wed: Re-test Moon Phases for those that need it AND Math
measurement equivalencies Test 1
Thurs: Science/Astronomy 2 (moon, tides, shadows)
Fri: Math vocab Test



  1. I love the photos! You had some good books represented on character day!

  2. Way to go racking up those funds for Boosterthon and running all of those laps! You guys are awesome!!!
