
Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Making of an...Anenometer...what is that, anyway?

What? No Talking...just reading?

No Collaboration...I'm in this by myself?

Wait!  Is this another April Fool's Joke?

Catch of the Week

Social StudiesWestward Expansion with early pioneers, their routes across the U.S. and their motivations for moving West.

Reading-Timed cold passages

Language– Timed expository writing and practice ACT writing questions

Math–Apply problem solving strategies to word problems involving distance and time

Science– Continue severe weather and safety concerns (Thunderstorms,Hurricanes, and Tornadoes)

                                             Surf's Up!

(Tests & Projects)

FridaySocial Studies: Pioneer Motives:  Manifest Destiny “God-given right”, economic opportunities, religious freedoms, and open land)

                Science: Film Weather Forecasts including warnings of severe weather (props needed: rain jackets, sunglasses, umbrellas, etc)

TEST on Severe Weather next Wednesday!
Rewind to our last Friday before Spring Break.  Love those smiling faces!




1 comment:

  1. You certainly got some GREAT shots in this post!! Excited to talk more about weather!
