
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The First Week of School




 There's so much work to be done in a classroom, so we got started early with a "Job Match-up Game" where all the jobs were posted and a description had to be matched to the correct job.  After careful consideration, we filled out job applications, applying for a first and second choice.  Of course, we had to list our qualifications for each job.  Here are two job application examples:
Kellan applied for Pet Care for our 2 hermit crabs with these qualifications that she says make her a good candidate..."I'm very focused and gentle with animals and I get here at 6:30.  Also I know Brownie and Spike very well from Summer Camp."  Her second choice was Door Holder and Greeter with the qualifications of..."I am a people person and I am good at opening doors."

Check out Raymond's application.  He's applying for Pet Care (which, by the way, was a very popular job) and Line Leader.

We began working in groups on Tuesday to see What makes a difficult task easier? or How can you work with your teammates to accomplish a task?  After trying to stack 6 cups using only a rubber band with 4 strings tied to it, this is what we came up with:
1. Focus
2. Cooperate
3. Everyone tries
4. Stay positive
5. Never give up
Here are a few pics and videos to show how much fun we had!


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1 comment:

  1. love this and the job responses! Great job Mrs. Johnson's class!
