
Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Ends with PANCAKES and POETRY!


The day started out with our long-awaited celebration...PANCAKES with the PRINCIPALS for being the 4th grade class that read the most minutes over Winter Break!
Our top reader, Allena Jeter, was proud to be the one to bring back the trophy for our classroom!

Alexey was wanting the works on his pancakes... syrup, chocolate, sprinkles, and, of course, whipped cream!
Miyona, Catherine, and Julia dressed up for the occasion, down to their fingernails. 

Three is not a crowd especially when there are so many pancakes to eat!

One hour later we were welcoming our guests into the Media Center for our 2nd Annual Beatnik Poetry Café.  (To say we were a little excited would be an understatement!) 

We were finally ready to shine after practicing for weeks.  The room was decorated with posters of famous poets, the programs had been printed, the mic was on its stand by the Walt Whitman stool, and our refreshments were set up.  

Aynee was the first to welcome everyone and explain how in real poetry cafes back in the 40s and 50s you snapped your fingers instead of clapping.  She started us off reciting "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelo...

There's nothing that compares to a grandmother's love and here's proof...Kameron's grandmother sat through two Poetry Cafes because Kameron got the time mixed up and she's still smiling!!
Sydney knew that if she brought a prop she would get extra points, so she brought her mom to help prove her point in 
Kenn Nesbitt's poem "My Mother Does My Homework!".


Last but not least, a big thank you to Reese, her grandmother and mom for bringing refreshments for all!


1 comment:

  1. That was so much fun, and I still rember all of caged bird, and my small speech at the beginning. Everyone did great, and Sydnee's prop was the best, and clever! My was just a small drawing that I did in ten minutes. Alaina (sorry if I didn't spell it right) went all out, with about ten props. Kellans was cool too, a narwhale horn made out of plaster, with paint and glitter. The second graders also did good with rembering to snap. Trever was loud because of the micorphone. Other than stubbleing a bit on my opening and closing speeches, nothing went wrong! (This was a long comment)
    ~Aynee Fowler
    ~Aynee Fowler
