
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cat Condo Projects in Progress

Walk on the Wild Side
One of the projects included in this unit is to build cat condos for the kitties at the Humane Society.  We couldn't wait to get our boxes and start planning our designs.  Wait!   We have to make blueprints first?  Six elevations?  To scale?  7 days later we were ready!
Well, we did it!  All blueprints are finished.  (2 doors, 8 X 8, front and right are extra!)  Now to copy those plans precisely to match the front, back, bottom, right side, left side, and top sides of the box.  This may take a while... 
Here's Kam, Destiny, and Austin trying to get the measurements just right:

Sometimes these projects are frustrating!
Isabel and Aaron really got into a fringed yarn doorway.  Too bad they had to dismantle their idea after we checked on whether it would be accepted at the shelter.  Ms. Norris said cats loved yarn so much that they may eat it and then get sick!

Amber Fawn and Sam were sure that duct tape would make the condo last forever.  Check out that triangular window:

Carolina Gamecock tape?  Gotta have it!  Just because some members of the cat family don't like Gamecocks, this one might.  Thanks Joseph, Dayjha, and Dylan....good work!

This is serious work.  Isabella and Kenzie have a plan to make their condo the best ever.  Stay tuned for the finished product!!

Dominic, Cameron and Taylor were determined to entertain their cat with a toy hanging down from the doorway.  Hopefully, this will pass the safety test.

Well, the roof is finished...who can we borrow more tape from?  Mrs. Johnson is all out!
Stay tuned for our finished products.


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