
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Buddy Bench Coming Soon!

Friday, October 10th at 8:30 outside near the playground, our 4th grade will present their "Buddy Bench" to Oakland Elementary.  For two weeks some of our students have been working under the supervision of Mr. Carroll to construct it.  This week we will paint and decorate it.  Some of us will be writing speeches that we will deliver that morning.  All parents are invited to attend.
Check back soon for our class's thoughts and reactions to this new addition to our playground.
Find out what it is, where it's coming from, and how it will be used!
Our class is writing friendly letters to our second grade friends in Mrs. Lunsford's class and in Mrs. Hutchins' class. We're answering their great questions about bullying. Mr. Caroll is also helping us build our own buddy bench! After we're done building and decorating the buddy bench we are going to donate the buddy bench to our very own playground for everyone to enjoy! By, Chloe Moyers
 I wrote to Mrs. Lunsford's class to answer their questions about bullying.
the thing I wrote about was '' Why do bullies bully certain people ? '' That is a really good question to me.
By: Sarah Reilly Mcmahon
I wrote to Mrs. Huthcin's class. I answered the question Why Do Bullies Bully Certain People. I like that Mrs. Hutchins is very nice.
By: Keira

We wrote to Mrs. Hutchins' class. We wrote to her class because they had a bunch of good questions.
I think we both agree bullying is something you should not be proud of. Just because someone is smaller than you doesn't mean you have the right to bully them.
By: Zachary & Connor

I wrote this because to me bullying is the worst thing that can happen to a person because in my mind bullying is like
doing drugs, people get addicted to it.
By: Johnathon Lewis

I had a wonderful time writing to my second grade teacher Mrs. Lunsford.
I remember her favorite saying was, ''A person's a person no matter how small.'' That was Dr. Suess' quote but I will always remember it as her's.
By: Chloe Moyers

I wrote to Mrs.Lunsford's class. I answered :how can you stop bullying?
Here's Maddox working on the Buddy Bench this past Friday.  Brooklyn took her turn with the hammer last Friday. 
Check out Mr. Craycraft, Keira's papa, helping all the 4th graders and their teachers stamp their thumbprint on the back of the bench. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Arrggh, I Wish Everyday Was PIRATE Day!

The reason for our Pirate Day was to learn some important facts about our natural resources, how to treasure them, and to have some FUN at the same time!  We were lucky to have our Maddox be chosen from the audience to have a part in the pirate play that was being performed.  He was a natural without any rehearsal time.  Here's a picture of him with the other main characters of the play aboard the pirate ship.  And check out a few pictures of us getting piratey!
The stars of the show

Galley hands

Meet our mates!

Catch of the Week
(Here's what's ahead:)

Social StudiesStudents will understand and explain how the Columbian Exchange impacted the N.A. and the Europeans both positively and negatively.

ReadingRead articles on “Buddy Bench”, continue WONDER focusing on new vocab (see below) and comprehension questions (check notebook) .

Know the definitions and practice using them in sentences!
Justified-right, necessary
Dissed-insulted, put down
Neutral-impartial, not taking sides
Hypocrite-phony, fraud, double dealer
Knickers-short pants, usually buttoned or gathered at the knee
Fiddle-fidget, play with, jiggle
Zydeco-Cajun dance music which originated in Louisiana
Hysterically-uncontrollably, wildly
Tics-twitches, spasms
Immaculate-spotless, perfect, clean
Manic-overexcited, hyper
Monologue-one person speech, soliloquy
Theorems-formula, statement
Sentence-punishment, prison term
Language– Learn the difference in format between a friendly letter and a letter to the editor. Test quotation marks.

Math-Continue subtracting with regrouping using larger numbers and across zeros.  Be able to use base 10 blocks to demonstrate. This Friday will be our first FAST Facts Division test.  Time is running out to memorize those multiplication facts.

Science– We will practice classifying organisms into groups, understanding the differences in plants (flowering and non-flowering) and animals (vertebrate, invertebrate).

Each group selected a character and had 45 minutes to find evidence of character traits for their character.  There was a "secretary" to record what the group found.  Groups were graded on their productivity.  Check out our "working pictures"...scroll to the last picture to find the most productive group!!


4 little fish told me a secret: If you can get your mom or dad or grandmother or grandfather to comment on our blog you can earn up to $5 in FUNNY MONEY in that week.  Last week Connor and Jonathan were the very happy recipients!
What's FUNNY MONEY?  Well, it's not real money, but you can use it  as extra points on any test.  You are kidding me?  NO, it's true.  Just ask Connor or Jonathan! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

He Stood Out From the Beginning

 Imagine our surprise when our principal, Dr. Patterson, dropped by to read us one of his new favorite books.  (Not just surprised but flummoxed !)

This coming week we will continue turning in our Kindness slips.  If you ran out of slips, you can just write them on a blank sheet of paper.  Try to think of some kindnesses for your family, friends, and even those that you do not know. Monday we will, hopefully, make our Kindness Meter grow.

Watch this video clip about Sneeches, write me a paragraph summarizing the video, and you can earn extra credit in Language or Reading.
This week we will examine character traits from the 6 main characters in our book and find evidence to prove that trait.  Here is a peek at the 6 characters, so you can see what traits the rest of the 4th grade chose. See if you agree: 
(I put August first since that is the one we worked on: ) 

One of our favorite activities this week was PEOPLE Bingo.  We are still trying to get to know our classmates, so this helped!  We had 10 minutes to use non-verbal communication to find classmates that fit the description on our BINGO cards.  Some examples were...find a classmate who speaks 3 languages, loves to ride roller coasters, likes to eat fish, can cross their eyes, and has more than 3 children in their family.  Kara filled up her card first!

Does Nazarii have 5 kids in his family?

Can Jayden cross his eyes?


Can Chloe speak 3 languages?

Does Kaleb eat fish?

Does Brooklyn like to ride roller coasters?
Have you earned any FUNNY MONEY yet?  Here's a way you can!  Get a member of your family to comment on this week's blog and you will earn $5.  That $5=5 points on a test grade in any subject.  WOW!!  This offer will not be advertised in class.  A maximum of $5 can be earned in any week.

And now for the "Catch of the Week" :

Social StudiesWe will continue studying early explorers by focusing on their motivations and accomplishments.  We will make 3 explorer trading cards and diary entries from the perspective of the explorer

Reading– Students will examine character traits from the 6 main characters in our novel, WONDER, finding evidence of traits

Language– Students will write friendly letters and continue studying quotation marks.

Math-We will be subtracting using regrouping strategies

Science– Students will practice classifying vertebrates and invertebrates


Oh, Those Magical Trees!


Look you see how everything on our planet is connected?

How does the forest help with erosion?

There is such a thing as a FREE lunch, no matter what you've heard.  Here are a few pics of the before and after. 

When is fire in a forest a good thing?


Can Donnell diagnose a tree's health problem with a stethoscope?
Here's Madison showing Mrs. Johnson the CORRECT way to use the wooden tool.
Everyone agreed this was a magical field trip.  We now understand just how important it is to treasure our trees and to do everything we can to protect and preserve our resources.