
Friday, September 19, 2014

Oh, Those Magical Trees!


Look you see how everything on our planet is connected?

How does the forest help with erosion?

There is such a thing as a FREE lunch, no matter what you've heard.  Here are a few pics of the before and after. 

When is fire in a forest a good thing?


Can Donnell diagnose a tree's health problem with a stethoscope?
Here's Madison showing Mrs. Johnson the CORRECT way to use the wooden tool.
Everyone agreed this was a magical field trip.  We now understand just how important it is to treasure our trees and to do everything we can to protect and preserve our resources.


  1. The pictures are great!!! Thank you for sharing!! Jonathan had a great time!!!

  2. Joseph was so excited when I showed him all the new pictures in this blog! He's ready for the lego week coming up...Orange is his new favorite color.
