Although we visited the Magic Wood Forest several weeks ago, that was our first step into our brand new "Tread Lightly" Problem-Based Unit.
On Monday we had a surprise guest speaker talk to us in the WONDER Room about the 5 distinct biomes in the world and all the animals that inhabit them. We were excited to be put in groups so we could actually build biomes. Check it out!
Zachary, Nazarii, and Kaleb's rainforest.
Click on the link to hear our new favorite song,
"We are the EARTH!"
We have begun reading a brand-new non-fiction text called "War of the Woods." We are collecting facts from the loggers and the environmentalists of the Pacific Northwest and forming our own opinion of which side of the argument we are taking during the next couple of weeks. Be sure to ask us what we have discovered. It might make for some good car or table conversation!
On Friday we participated in the "Fred the Fish" dramatization. Many of us had roles in Fred's fate.
This skit allows students to observe pollution's effects on a small scale.
Imagine a clean river as it meanders through a protected wilderness area. In this river lives Fred the Fish. How is Fred? Fred has lived in this stretch of the river all his life. But now he is going on an adventure and travel downstream.
Fred swims into farm country. He passes a freshly plowed riverbank. It begins to rain and some soil erodes into the river. (Dump soil in into Fred's jar.) How is Fred.
Fred nears a housing development. Some fertilizer from the pastures and lawns washed into the river awhile back. (Place brown sugar in Fred's jar.) The fertilizer made the plants in the river grow very fast and thick. Eventually the river could not furnish them with all the nutrients they needed, and so they died and are starting to decay. Their decomposition is using up some of Fred's oxygen. How is Fred?
Fred swims beside a large parking lot. Some cars parked on it are leaking oil. The rain is washing the oil into the river below. (Pour pancake syrup into Fred's jar.) How is Fred?
During a recent cold spell, ice formed on a bridge. County trucks spread salt on the road to prevent accidents. The rain is now washing salty slush into the river. (Put salt in Fred's jar.) How is Fred?
Fred swims past the city park. Some picnickers didn't throw their trash into the garbage can. The wind is blowing it into the river. (Sprinkle paper dots into Fred's jar.) How is Fred?
Several factories are located downstream from the city. Although regulations limit the amount of pollution the factories are allowed to sump into the river, factory owners are not abiding by them. (Pour warm soapy water into Fred's jar.) How is Fred?
The city's wastewater treatment plant is also located along this stretch of the river. Also a section of the plant has broken down. (Squirt two drops of red food coloring into Fred's jar.) How is Fred?
Finally, Fred swims past hazardous waste dump located on the bank next to the river. Rusty barrels of toxic chemicals are leaking. The rain is washing these poisons into the river. (For each leaking barrel, squeeze one drop of green food coloring into Fred's jar.) How is Fred?
Pierce, Chloe and Sarah Reilly agreed to bury Fred. May he rest in peace! Hopefully, we will be aware of our responsibility to our planet.
As we work on this 2nd PBL, stop by our hallway where you will see a huge display of all our questions, activities, and student work.
In Social Studies, we are studying the 13 Original Colonies, learning the colonies that made up each of the three regions, New England, Middle and Southern. This week we paired up with a partner and an i-pad and used an app called "Pic-Collage" to create a collage showing the government, religion, lifestyle, and economics of the region of our choice. Monday we will present our collage to the class. Here we are working on them this past Thursday:
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