
Sunday, December 13, 2015

'Twas the Night Before Christmas!

This famous poem written in 1823 and submitted to a newspaper anonymously was later attributed to Samuel Clements.  It has a lot of challenging vocabulary in it, so we decided to work in teams to annotate it while dressed in "mama's kerchief. To make it extra challenging one of our rules was that it had to be done with no oral communication. Check out our kerchief pics below:
The winning table was #4! Congratulations Catherine, Julia, Aynee, Ashley, Kaydence, and Kellan!
See if you can remember the meaning for the following 11 phrases.  Number a piece of paper with the phrases and write synonyms next to them for two clips up tomorrow.  
nestled all snug in their beds...such a clatter...threw up the sash...lustre of midday...coursers they flew...prancing & dancing...looked like a peddler...droll little mouth...encircled his head...we had nothing to dread...down of a thistle...
Earlier that morning, 7 am to be exact, we had breakfast with some
 V.I.P.s in the cafeteria...


Sunday, December 6, 2015

We Are Over the Moon!

As part of our Astronomy unit we are studying phases of the moon.  Keeping a Lunar Log for the next two weeks and building a model of the phases has kept us busy.  Here are several pics of some of us trying to recreate the phases and trying not to snitch any Oreo filling until we were done!
Remember to bring your dad to school extra early on Friday for a special treat!

The highlight to our study of the American Revolution is singing along to the following video: Too Late to Apologize!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Being Kinder than Necessary

This past week was a tough one for me as I had to be absent from the classroom Monday to see a hand doctor, half a day Tuesday for an operation, and half a day Thursday to go back to the doctor to check the results. Losing the tip of my finger was quite an ordeal! In the future I will be hiring professionals to do yard work!!But, through it all I was reminded that little kindnesses are soooo appreciated.  I so appreciated...

Mrs. Gault for typing up my sub plans because my handwritten ones weren't very legible!

My 4th grade team for helping out by splitting up my class when my sub called in sick and they had to get another!

Miss Morrison for unpacking my lunch and handing me my sandwich!

My class for trying to focus on doing their best all week and proving it by 14 students getting an "A" on their long division test!

Shelby, Reese, and Sydnee getting signed papers stapled and put in folders when I couldn't!

Reese and her mom for sending in the best little orange and celery pumpkin snacks for everyone!

Julia sending me the sweetest note ever!

Dr. Falcon for doing an incredible job on my finger operation!  (After I told him in the operating room, I had just signed a contract for a hand modeling job : )

My husband for cooking, cleaning, and chauffeuring me all week!

Cooper trying to be a perfect angel!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Historic Brattonsville Here We Come!

The weather was perfect as we traveled back in time...two hundred and thirty-five years to be exact to the Revolutionary War.  We found ourselves on Colonel Bratton's homestead complete with a militiaman, the colonel's wife, a slave girl, and a housekeeper all waiting to tell us their stories. 

We saw barns with livestock, tools, kitchens, a one-room school house and walked on miles of trails  through the woods. As we walked we got a glimpse of what life might have been like back then as we fought for what we believed to be right...patriot or loyalist in this new land.

might have been like for our ancestors back then. 

Stay tuned for student artwork and descriptions of their personal highlights from our trip...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Spreading Some Sweet Kindness

Kennedi and her grandmother made special treats for the class on Thursday.
Needless to say we dug right in, eyeballs and all!

We are still testing 100 Fast Facts with the goal of having 100% of the class at 90% or higher.  Here are two of our latest members to join the MATH WIZ group:


                 Brianna and Shelby

Friday we had Career Day in 4th Grade with some wonderful guest speakers talking about their specific careers (an attorney, pharmacist, project manager in construction, and ophthalmologist) One of our favorites was the session in our room, a local attorney, Mr. Dave Moore, who set up a courtroom where Austin was on trial!  We learned there were prosecutors and defendants and  you had to not only gather evidence but also sometimes think creatively to prove a person's innocence or guilt.  

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Koi Make the Move to N.C.

Our 5 koi finally made the move to their new pond this weekend.  They had a 45 minute drive in the back of a pickup truck.  The orange and black one missed one of his friends so he jumped out of his tub and into another tub as the pickup was moving down I-26! But all was well...actually we didn't know until we got home because we noticed an empty tub and thought he had jumped out of the truck...but when we checked the other koi's tub there were two in one!!

I hope you all had a fun filled long weekend.  Last week was so busy, especially since we only had 4 days.  We decorated our pumpkins, designed a car powered by wind, had Awards Day, Conferences and the Book Fair!

Trevor promising to bring up that Math grade to make honor roll next time for sure!

Reese started her conference out by explaining how she assessed herself on things like showing respect for others, paying attention in class and how much she participates.

Sydnee reading aloud her favorite parts of school and things that are difficult.

Our Principal's Honor Roll students were Allena and Raymond.  Our A/B Honor Roll students were Brooke, Kellan, Ashley, and Sydnee.  Congratulations to all 6 students!  Terrific Kids were Raymond and Jerald.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Culminating Project Begins for Kindness PBL

As you know we have been using the book WONDER by R.J. Palacio to help teach kindness.  The main character, Auggie, was born with a facial deformity and was always home schooled because of the dozens of operations he's had to undergo.  His family also wanted to protect him from other children's stares and unkindness's because of the way he looked.  When the book starts out we find out that all this is about to change because his parents think it's time to take their chances and enroll him at Beecher Prep.
We hope to spread some kindness in the coming months by making a webpage to educate family and friends about an organization called CCA that helps children with cranio-facial deformity. We are in the process of studying script writing so that each class can write a script and perform it to help spread information about this great organization. You may want to check it out!


So stay tuned and keep up with our progress as we try to make a difference in the world!
Conferences and Book Fair Coming Up This Week!
Your child will help lead a conference about their goals for the next marking period as we take a look at their accomplishments this first marking period. Check Monday's newsletter for your conference date and time.
Plans for Upcoming Field Trip:
The Historic Brattonsville Field Trip is November 12th.  Money and permission slips are due this Friday.  Two chaperones will be selected soon from the approved school list.  Be sure to have all cafeteria money paid in full by then.
This is a Revolutionary War Living History Museum.  Actors will be dressed authentically from this time period and will re-tell history as it happened to Col. Bratton and his family on their plantation.  We will walk their plantation and learn first hand what it was like to be a patriot or a loyalist.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Boosterthon Madness!

Principals were zooming around on tricycles at lunch, dancing on the rooftop, and were duc-taped to the playground poles all in hopes that students would reach their Boosterthon goals this week.  AND...THEY DID!!  Our run took place on Friday morning! With parents cheering them on our 4th graders made it to 35 laps.  Now, we have this week to get in all of our pledges so our library re-model can take place ASAP.
More good news...we won the $25 Amazon gift certificate for best door decoration for our Ukraine flag and artifacts.  Thanks, Julia, Raymond, Alexey, and Catherine.

Also on Thursday of this past week we Face-timed with Chris Justus from Channel 4 News.  We asked him questions about his meteorologist career, why he chose that path and what keeps him excited about going to work everyday.  Shelby and Raymond were selected to ask questions directly to him from our class.  Thanks Mrs. Burns for setting this up for us!
This week we will focus on 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication.  Each night we will have 5 problems to complete, have our parents check and sign with a test on Friday.  Hopefully, with all the review work we will have in class and at home we will all master this goal by Friday.
Here's one to try:
Don't forget, you will have two partial product & a placeholder!
Your answer should be: 2,025


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Boosterthon Run Coming Friday!

Super Sabrina and Awesome Angela showed up in our lunch line to congratulate our students that registered and got pledges on the 2nd day of our BIG fundraiser.

Our FUN RUN will take place at 8:30 am this Friday in front of the school.  Please help us by registering and putting in your pledges to

We are all trying to raise $25,000 to totally renovate our OES library.  Each classroom will hopefully raise $800 to make this possible.  So, ask your friends and family to help by pledging a $ per lap or a flat rate amount.  Thank you in advance for your support! 

This week we will also be celebrating "Walk to School Week"...check out Monday's newsletter for our special things to wear each day.  We got you covered on Monday because it's bandana day and we have our red ones already at our desks. We will have a special program on Wednesday at 8:30 and parents are invited to attend.

Mr. Carroll has set up a few multiplication tutorials on his blog.  He is demonstrating various ways to multiply which we will begin this week. Students and parents feel free to check them out.  If you still haven't mastered your multiplication fast facts, we will be using our i-pads to download at least one "fast fact" app to help you out.  We have one week left! You can do it!  Jerald and Catherine are our newest MATH WIZZES!!

Now check out our latest Wonder Lab pics from last week when we were investigating the water cycle as water droplets: