This famous poem written in 1823 and submitted to a newspaper anonymously was later attributed to Samuel Clements. It has a lot of challenging vocabulary in it, so we decided to work in teams to annotate it while dressed in "mama's kerchief. To make it extra challenging one of our rules was that it had to be done with no oral communication. Check out our kerchief pics below:
The winning table was #4! Congratulations Catherine, Julia, Aynee, Ashley, Kaydence, and Kellan!
See if you can remember the meaning for the following 11 phrases. Number a piece of paper with the phrases and write synonyms next to them for two clips up tomorrow.
nestled all snug in their beds...such a clatter...threw up the sash...lustre of midday...coursers they flew...prancing & dancing...looked like a peddler...droll little mouth...encircled his head...we had nothing to dread...down of a thistle...
Earlier that morning, 7 am to be exact, we had breakfast with some
V.I.P.s in the cafeteria...