
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Spreading Some Sweet Kindness

Kennedi and her grandmother made special treats for the class on Thursday.
Needless to say we dug right in, eyeballs and all!

We are still testing 100 Fast Facts with the goal of having 100% of the class at 90% or higher.  Here are two of our latest members to join the MATH WIZ group:


                 Brianna and Shelby

Friday we had Career Day in 4th Grade with some wonderful guest speakers talking about their specific careers (an attorney, pharmacist, project manager in construction, and ophthalmologist) One of our favorites was the session in our room, a local attorney, Mr. Dave Moore, who set up a courtroom where Austin was on trial!  We learned there were prosecutors and defendants and  you had to not only gather evidence but also sometimes think creatively to prove a person's innocence or guilt.